Service introduction

Live2D spreading to the world

「Live2D Cubism」のソフトウェアライセンス販売、Live2Dの制作と表現研究を行う「Live2D Creative Studio」、Live2Dのイラスト・モデルの売買やオーダーメイド取引ができる公式マーケットプレイス「nizima」、”Live2Dのプロ”になるためのオンライン講座「Live2D JUKU」と事業の拡大を続け、さらに株式会社アニプレックスと業務資本提携を行い、長編アニメーション映画制作プロジェクトを開始しました。


Move freely with the original quality

Live2D Cubism

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  • Cubism Editor

    1枚の原画をもとにLive2Dモデリングを行うツール、それが「Live2D Cubism」です。線のタッチや塗りの質感などはそのままに、2Dによる立体表現を可能としました。

  • Cubism SDK

    A tool for handling Live2D data in real time on various platforms such as game engines and native environments. By using the Cubism SDK, Live2D data can be embedded in applications such as games and the web.

To everyone who loves 2D


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“Nizima” is a completely new digital market that maximizes the connections between creators! Purchase and sell illustrations and Live2D data, as well as custom-made products that you can request directly from creators.

Become a VTuber of your dreams with easy setup

nizima LIVE

nizima LIVE

nizima LIVE is an app that helps you become a VTuber in a few simple steps! With the customization features, you can easily achieve your favorite movements.Using the collaboration room, your collaborator's model is displayed on the same screen in high resolution.

Designer team that brings characters to life

Live2D Creative Studio

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Live2D Creative Studio is a team of designers who bring life to characters every day at Live2D. From model production to video production, we support content production using Live2D. We are looking forward to your production request and consultation.

Online course to become a Live2D professional



This is an online course where you can learn Live2D as much as you want for 990 yen per month, operated by Live2D Creative Studio. You can take all courses as many times as you like, so you can learn Live2D know-how at your own pace!

Software lease program for teaching Live2D

Live2D Education Aid Program (LEAP)

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ゲームや映像の未来を担う人材への支援の一環として用意された制度です。対象の教育機関向けに、Live2Dモデル作成ソフト 「Live2D Cubism」のPROライセンスを無償貸与します。